Several ways of how to return to the past

Probably, each of us is sometimes visited by thoughts ontopic "How to return to the past?" After all, before the sky was more blue, the sun shone brighter, the favorite ice cream seemed much tastier, and life - easier.

For the first time such thoughts began to come to people stillin the era of antiquity. Like, earlier on the earth lived giants, capable of almost anything they wanted, that was the age of prosperity, the Golden Age of mankind. However, the giants are not eternal, and over time they began to lose their strength and their former might. And since then nothing good has happened, only one disorder and degeneration. Silver age, then copper, and then even worse. Therefore, it will never be as good as in the time of the Golden Age.

Sometimes such thoughts overtake us.It seems to us that it is as good as before (in childhood, in college, on leave last summer or with the previous man), it will never happen again. If you really, really want to relive the unforgettable sensations that were already in your life, let's move to that happy time. So, there are several ways to go back in time.

how to return to the past
Write about how it all happened

Take a sheet of paper or sit at a computer andwrite. Better in prose. And do not think about mistakes, and about whether you are good at it. After all, it is not necessary that anyone, except you, read this. Just relax and move your thoughts on the same day, at the same time. Re-feel that you are there. Thus, you get a powerful emotional charge. And write. Write about the events that worried you then and which are alive in your memory today. But remember, you do not need to describe everything thoroughly and by points, for example: "I took off my coat - sat down in a chair - poured a cup of tea - looked out the window ..." Only the graphomaniacs get hung up on the little things and intently dig into their past. For you, the main thing is that it left a mark in your heart even many years later.

Effect: such a written attempt to understand how to returnin the past, has been practiced for a long time. To paint those events that happened once is very useful for peace of mind and psyche. In addition, it allows you to look at the situation from the side and re-evaluate it. And sometimes this is the beginning of a new successful novel.

can I go back in time
Live the day exactly as you did then

Spend one day out of your reallife. Create the old environment and act just like the day you are sad and sorry about. Do not be scared if the participants of those events are no longer near you. Include your imagination and imagine that you are together again. And remember, on this day you must perform only those actions and actions that are written in your script. You can also go to the very place with which you have the warmest memories, to feel everything with a new power.

Effect: after such a way to learn how to return tothe past, usually comes the long-awaited relief. However, if it still does not come, do not repeat everything again. Otherwise, you risk turning into a pale shadow, which talks to itself and wanders around the places of military glory.

View old photo albums and slides

how can you return to the past

The good old tried and tested way of howreturn to the past. Only, looking through photos, do not pour bitter tears on long gone bright days. The best way to usefully immerse yourself in memories is to describe everyone who is depicted in the pictures. Talk about the habits, nature, hobbies and talents of your loved ones. Remember who does what or would like to do in life, who traveled and told interesting things to you.

Effect: this method helps to relax well,remember all your friends, even those you have almost forgotten about. Some radical personalities generally advise after viewing old photographs to burn, so that they do not interfere with living the present. Burn or not - it's up to you.

Is it possible to return to the past for real? Who knows, perhaps someday scientists will be able to create a time machine that really will be able to transfer a person from one time interval to another. In the meantime, do not suffer about the past, you need to live the present and think about the future.

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