Who is a magician and what is magic?

Each of us from time to time dreams about somethingmagical. In childhood, we read fairy tales that make us believe in miracles. Many people already in adulthood meet with unusual phenomena, the activities of magicians and manifestations of magic. They firmly believe: everything mystical exists in reality. But what is magic and who are magicians?

Who is the magician?


In esoteric magicians are people of highlevel of development. A magician is a man who has achieved complete perfection in his skills. Such people are not interested in anything material. Power, money, politics - all this is alien to them.

The main goal of the magician is spiritual development. Without ceasing, they improve their skills and develop comprehensively. They use their energy wisely. Who are magicians? Hermits. Often they live alone, directing all their forces to development, abstracting themselves from society as such.

The main activity of such people is calledmagic. This is a collection of certain actions and words that have miraculous properties. Correctly said phrases at the right time can subordinate supernatural forces.

White Magic

There are many definitions of who such a magician is andwhat is its main job. One of the spheres of their presence is white magic. This magic is called divine. It is aimed only at good, good goals. Using white magic, people treat diseases, evil eye, spoilage. You can have a magic effect on a person with the help of one of his photos. An experienced white magician can create an aura around himself from the energy that will have a favorable effect. New skills are constantly improved by white magicians. The qualities that they must possess are kindness, humanity, responsiveness.

A magician is ...

At all times, practicing magic was dangerous. In the Middle Ages sorcerers and witches were burned alive. That's why now people treat the supernatural with skepticism. Sometimes magicians themselves suffer from their abilities - curing the illnesses of others, they often fall ill themselves.

Black magic

Answering the question "Who is the magician?"", We need to mention another kind of sorcerers who use their skills to harm others. Black wizards do not engage in self-improvement, all they need is the satisfaction of their dishonest needs.

A black magician is a person who draws energyamong others. Their main victims are people with defenseless karma, who are weakly resistant to any influences. The task of the magician is to manipulate such people, gradually "sucking" out of them all the vital juices. The ultimate goal of the sorcerer is to subdue the world around him and all people. For this they will go for anything.

The difference between white and black magic

Rituals of white and black magic are similar. The most important difference is in the intentions. White mages, possessing information, will never dare take advantage of it to harm a person. The wizard must do it.

White magician must know about dark methodsinfluence on man - only so he can protect him from evil eye, spoilage, spell. But he can not practice them - his energy is bright, kind, divine. They can easily break a person's karma, but they will not do it.

Who are magicians?

Gray Magic

There is another kind of people involved inmagic. They contain an equal amount of good and evil. Gray magicians - the balance between the two worlds of dark and light. They allow themselves to use the methods of both black and white magic. They do not take only one side, believing that there is no point in fighting for one thing.

There is no place for conflicts in their lives. They are trying to find the right solution, which will suit both sides - both white and black. Many philosophers and yogis are adherents of this type of magic.


All mages are divided into several categories. Actions that the teacher can do quickly and simply may not be available to the beginner.

Who is a magician if he does not know how to conjure?In order to learn magic, each person needs to be trained. Congenital abilities are not enough - you need to constantly develop them, direct your energy in the right direction.

How to quickly become a magician?

  • Newbie. A person who is not familiar with magic, but has the ability. The novice has not yet learned any spells and has not chosen the right direction. Usually grows in the family of magicians.
  • Pupil. I began to study science, its features and laws. Knows some primitive spells.
  • Journeyman. The right hand of an experienced magician. He is well acquainted with the rules, he has many receptions. Can start to develop independently.
  • Master. A young magician, who is well acquainted with the theory, is able to correctly use his abilities.
  • master. Who is a magician? A person who has continued his studies. Traveling, he uses all his knowledge in practice.
  • Archmage. Only the elite can reach this level. This person is available all the secrets and techniques. Archmage is a professional in the world of magic.

How to become a magician?

Unusual abilities can be both congenital and acquired. Often they are manifested in children who live in a family of magicians. It happens that a person does not even suspect of having the potential.

People who survived a severe coma or clinicaldeath, sometimes they begin to feel something unusual in themselves - a force that is difficult to explain and almost impossible to control. In this case, it is necessary to learn how to deal with it correctly, develop and improve it - only then will the long-awaited success come. Some simply waste their gift for nothing, which not only brings trouble to the magician himself, but also adversely affects his environment.

What is magic and who are magicians?

If you are wondering how quickly to become a magician, -Forget about it. The study of magic is a complex and lengthy process that is not accessible to everyone. If you feel the power in yourself, get themed books, select the elements, find the teacher, and most importantly - constantly work on yourself. Work hard, improve - and then your efforts will be generously rewarded.

A few important rules

  • Do not practice magic when you feel very tired. To work it is necessary with mind.
  • If you are under 21, be careful when developing abilities. Excessive passion for magic can squander the reserve of all vitality.
  • Up to 11 years, spells should be used only if you need to save someone's life. After 14 and up to 21 it is recommended to use it only as a workout.
  • Before you do something, be sure to think twice. Magic is a means of achieving a goal. Clearly mark it.
  • Take care of your protection. Your enemy can also possess magical abilities that can harm you.
  • Always develop and improve your skills. Do not stand still.
  • While you are reading the spell, use your whole body. His language is of great importance in the world of magic. Do not restrict the movement of uncomfortable clothing.
  • Record your feelings. Start a personal notebook, where you share your impressions, mark important information.
  • Avoid conflicts. Be more reserved, especially in the first stages of training. After all, in the course of even the smallest misunderstanding someone can suffer.
  • Any ritual must have a beginning and a completion. Always finish everything. An unfinished business can turn bad for you.

Mages. Qualities

Sometimes a person manages to meet with somethinginexplicable. Even the most convinced skeptics are surprised and lost when supernatural things take place before their eyes. Now, knowing who these magicians are, you can easily recognize them. After all, they really exist among us.

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