Employment and unemployment - an artificial problem

Everyone who has embarked on the path of an independentlife, must work. This helps him not only to provide himself and his family with everything necessary, but also to be realized in society as a person. No one can live without effort, even the most notorious lazy people, but what if there is no place for everyone who wants to find a job in the country, which means that someone should remain without it?

Employment and Unemployment no generation of people are worried. Of course, about what prices or assortment of goods you can think of if you can not find work at all. Unemployment is not in vain called the main economic indicator. Let's try to figure out why it so happens that young and healthy people are forced to stay out of work when they are full of energy and desire to work. What pushes them to the path of poverty, depression and self-destruction?

To begin with, let's see what is employment and unemployment from the point of view of modern economic thought. Employment is the number of people who are involved in some kind of work activity that benefits both themselves and society as a whole. Well, the unemployment rate is the percentage of able-bodied people who can not join such an activity.

It is reasonably believed that absolutely everythingWorking people can not work at the same time. Someone is currently changing jobs, someone is retraining, some are in search of themselves, someone is busy moving to another place of residence. All these people are formally unemployed, but in fact they are not, since the fact that they do not work has natural causes. Therefore, such unemployment is called natural.

Economists have even come up with an interesting concept, such as unemployment at full employment. This indicator determines the number of people whomay not work, so that you can assume that the economy is all right, and everyone can find work for themselves. It is from this indicator that we will proceed further.

If all problems were related to naturalreasons, this issue would not have been dealt with, but if you dig deeper into the concepts of "employment" and "unemployment", it turns out that so-called cyclical unemployment has not completely logical justifications. Cyclic unemployment is the level of unemployment that is above the natural level. This unemployment is the most dangerous and the least understandable in the economy.

Cyclic unemployment according to official versionsis caused by the fact that there is a certain crisis in the economy, which means that there is literally no work for people, However, this version is absurd. In fact, the use of human power can always be found, there would be a desire! Human needs are unlimited, and for their satisfaction, you can use the most diverse fruits of human labor. That is, while people will desire, and they will always wish, work will be for all.

So what is the explanation of the concept of employment andunemployment? It's all about the labor market. In some of its spheres, the "effective price" of labor becomes so low that it is more profitable for an employee not to work at all than to engage in such an ungrateful business. The employer, however, will not raise the price, instead cutting production volumes, but retaining profits. As a result of such market games, some of the needs remain unsatisfied, and some people are forced to stay out of work.

The conclusion is simple - in order that such concepts asemployment and unemployment did not exist for us at all, it is enough to introduce control over the labor market and control over the personnel policy of private companies on the part of the state. This may reduce the profits of companies, but it will help the economy as a whole, increasing together with the employment of GDP, as well as aggregate demand.

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