Loud wreck of the ships. Where is the line between truth and fiction?

The wreck of the ships ... Such an event is always shrouded in a halo of secrets, myths and legends. Famous shipwrecks are black pages of history, which you can read only if you look into the depths of the sea. Sadly, the majestic giants-liners very often become victims of the raging waters of the seas and oceans.

The most famous shipwrecks were becomingpublic property. To date, there are many unspoken lists, which are named the most impressive ship accidents in the history of mankind. Below are just a few of those that have entered the world history.

Ships wrecked

For many, history first comes to mind,which shocked the whole world with its tragedy. It eclipsed any other shipwreck. This is the story of the "Titanic" ... Although this story overgrew with a lot of conjectures and conjectures, everyone is still interested in learning about what really happened. The team was so blinded by the greatness of its ship and its superiority over other ships that for a while everyone became overconfident.

list of the most famous shipwrecks

Possible causes of the tragedy

At that time, many said that at lasta ship is built that can not be sunk. But the reality turned out to be unpredictable. One night the ship was moving at full speed along its route, and the sailors only at the very last moment could see the top of a huge ice block towering above the surface of the water. Urgent attempts were made to lead the ship to the side, but it was too late: the ship was wrecked. Almost at full speed, "Titanic" hit the right side of the iceberg.


The ship breaks in half

Gradually, the lower tiers begin to floodnasal compartment of the ship. Almost half of the vessel is filled with cold water of the Atlantic Ocean. The ship creates a counterweight, as a result of which it is half submerged in water. The case does not withstand a monstrous load and breaks in half. Both parts of the broken ship are deprived of electricity and are drowning. Witnesses of the tragedy remember that terrible day with a shudder, but still some facts remain in the shadows. For example, class discrimination of passengers.

Could more be saved?

Some witnesses argue that individualThe boats were only half filled with passengers. In them sat a few people who as soon as possible sailed away, in fear that the boat would overfill and sink. As a result, fewer passengers were saved than could. However, do not forget that that night there were heroic deeds. Many, risking their lives, helped others to escape. Whatever it was, this catastrophe became a symbol of self-reliance.

"Admiral Nakhimov": an intricate story

Another, no less tragic collision occurredwith the ship "Admiral Nakhimov". This became a loud sensation of the twentieth century. The warm day of August began with the arrival at the port of a cruise liner. The city of Novorossiysk said goodbye to passengers who were soon to go on an exciting trip. Around the same time, a ship called the Peter Vasev was planning to enter the port. The crews of both ships were warned of each other and had to act cautiously, and no one guessed that there would be a wreck of ships soon.

Who is guilty and does it make sense to find out now?

As a result of short-term negotiations, it was acceptedthe decision to disperse at the exit from the port on the right side. However, something went wrong, namely, the automatic system of course setting failed. The technique is imperfect, this must never be forgotten. The wreck of the ships is a vivid testimony to this. When it was noticed that the ship was moving at full speed to meet "Admiral Nakhimov", the situation almost completely got out of control.

the ship was wrecked

Dry-cargo ship "Peter Vasev" crashed into the passengerliner and made in his board a hole size of eight to ten meters. The ship sank in eight minutes. Some circumstances in which the ship was wrecked, many raised questions. Why did the passenger vessel sink to the bottom with a stone if, according to the rules, it should have sufficient buoyancy to stay on the water surface at least an hour after the crash? In addition, it was reported that the captain had carried out the order of the port dispatcher and changed the route of the vessel. In this story there will be a lot of gaps and blank spots.

ships wrecked

However, the most inconsolable fact is deathalmost half a thousand people. Perhaps the scale of the disaster would not have been so terrible if it were possible to launch lifeboats. But what could you do in just eight minutes? To organize the landing of people in one boat, it takes at least half an hour. And this is even under favorable conditions.

In the event of a ship crash"Nakhimov," there was neither time nor factors allowing people to be saved in boats. After a time after the disaster, it becomes more difficult to find out the true circumstances of the crash. Certainly, the true facts rest in the water depths, so there is no sense to build guesses, because time, like human life, you will not bring back.

These are only two stories, but they are not the only stories. The following list of the most famous shipwrecks will show that the wreck of the largest airliners is by no means a rarity.

  • Costa Concordia.
  • SS America.
  • "Discoverer of the world."
  • "Mediterranean sky."
  • MB Captayannis.
  • BOS 400.
  • "Fort Shevchenko".
  • "The Gospels."
  • SS Makhno.
  • "Santa Maria".
  • "Dimitrios".
  • "Olympia".

wreck of a Nahimov ship
The ships were built for years, solemnly left their native ports to meet the wind and eventually drowned, ran aground, leaving only debris and piles of iron in memory of themselves.

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