Reviewing is the process of writing a review of scientific work

A review is a specialized document,which contains an assessment of graduation work. If he is not attached to the degree research, the commission will not allow you to defend. Accordingly, peer review is a process of studying scientific work by scientists of a certain field. The person who is called the referee is the person who composes this document.

Reviewing is

Who is the reviewer

Review of the final work is writtenspecialist, which you choose yourself. The only condition is that he should not work at one department with your immediate supervisor. At the defense of the thesis the commission will necessarily evaluate if your reviewer has an academic degree (he will be a candidate or a doctor of sciences).

As a rule, in the final study, calculationsare conducted on the basis of the data of the enterprise where the student passed pre-diploma practice. In connection with this reviewer is often the head of practice.

If you're lucky, I wrote a review of your workspecialist, assured her signature and seal, then you will take the finished document and attach it to the thesis research. However, practice shows that most often it is the student himself, after which he comes with her to the personnel department in order to supply the necessary requisites. Therefore, you need to know how to write a review for the thesis work, so that the final commission does not have any questions about the quality of the document.

How to write a review for a thesis

What is a review

Reviewing is the process of writing a review of a thesis. The received document should contain the following information:

  • Analysis of all sections of the thesis.
  • The degree of compliance of the project with all regulatory requirements.
  • Advantages of the work.
  • Disadvantages of the study.

To get the highest rating for graduation work, a review of the thesis project should create the most favorable impression on the commission about your research.

Review of the final work

How to write a review for a thesis

Reviewing is an easy task fora student who independently wrote the final work. You probably know the strengths and weaknesses of your research, so you can emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings.

Useful advice that will help you writea qualitative review, is that you must avoid common phrases. That is, it is not worth writing: "Very good work", "The author showed himself as an excellent specialist", etc.

The review consists of the following sections:

  • Entry is an assessment of the relevance of the study.
  • The main part - evaluation of merits, research deficiencies, feedback on each section of the work. Usually this information takes up most of the document.
  • The final part is a conclusion about whether or not to allow a student to defend his thesis. Usually this section is the shortest.

There are also certain regulatory requirements, according to which the review should be formalized.

review of the thesis project

Regulatory requirements for content

Reviewing is a process that requires precision. Therefore, there are aspects that need to be observed, regardless of the content of the document. These include:

  • The size of the document should not exceed 2 sheets of A-4 format.
  • The word "review" should be written in capital letters in the center of the page.
  • It is necessary to specify the theme of the thesis, the full name of the student, the number of his faculty and group.
  • Evaluation of the relevance of the thesis must be present in the review.
  • The author's ability to think logically and draw competent conclusions should be evaluated.
  • It is necessary to assess the proportionality of the sections of the thesis.
  • The review should contain information about the applications, diagrams, drawings and illustrations for the thesis research.
  • Information should be specified on the extent to which the student has the skills of textual presentation in a scientific style.
  • Do not forget to indicate the information about how final research can be applied in practice.
  • It is necessary to indicate significant and insignificant shortcomings in the work.
  • The document should contain the name and initials of the reviewer, his scientific degree, profession, signature and stamp of the organization.

The commission always checks whether the work meets these requirements.

Helpful Tips

Remember that in any work must be presentlimitations. It is better to list them in the review, than the commission will identify them in the course of studying your project. In addition, if you are aware of a significant omission in the course of the research and do not want to write about it, then indicate a few minor shortcomings, since all attention will be focused on them.

After writing the review, subtract all the text the next day to discover the flaws that have gone unnoticed earlier and quickly remove them.

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