"Zapovednye leta" is a step towards the introduction of serfdom. Stages of enslavement of peasants.

"Protected summer" - this is one of the manifestations of the strengthening of serfdom in the Moscow state at the end of the XVI century. It seems to be a beautiful phrase, but it does not mean anything good.

The situation of peasants in Russia in the XV-XVI century

Throughout the centuries, peasant families, if theydid not like living on the land of the feudal lord, could calmly abandon the land and move to another feudal lord. Realizing that in such a situation to bind the peasant and put him in complete dependence will be difficult, the authorities gradually begin to restrict the peasants' transitions. For example, in the Code of Laws of Ivan III, the first restrictions on the ability of peasants to escape from the feudal lord were established. A snap to Yuryev's day appeared (November 26). The law established that any peasant who wants to leave the feudal lord may do so in the period not earlier than a week before that day and not later than a week after him. In fact, we are talking about the period from November 19 to December 3. And they have not yet introduced the "reserved summer"! This restriction substantially complicated the life of the peasants, because the transition was possible only after the peasant fully computed with the owner of the land.

reserved summer is

The deterioration of the situation of the peasantry after 1550

In 1550 a new Code of Law was adopted, in whichthe deterioration of the position of the peasantry was laid. For example, peasants had to sow winter crops before they left. In addition, another way to attach the peasants to the land is the transfer of some groups into the category of "old-timers", that is, those who supposedly already live on this land for a long time and are used to the terrain.

Since 1581, the "reserved summer" is temporarily introduced.This is due to the fact that the state decided to make a description of all the lands that were part of the territory of Muscovy at the time. How should we understand the meaning of the word "reserved summer"? And everything is simple! Under the pretext that a description of the land is being done and it is necessary to accurately understand who and where he lives, the statesmen simply tied the peasants to the land, to one place of residence.

the meaning of the word reserved summer

What is said about the "reserved summer" in the sources?

So, the protected summer is a ban for peasantsto pass from the feudal lord to the feudal lord in certain years. Clearly written out a statement about this we do not have. You can find only a few mentions in some tsar's letters, dated 80-90th years of the XVI century. The practice of introducing the "reserved years" dates back to 1581. Also worth mentioning the decree of Tsar Feodor Ivanovich from 1592, according to which "reserved summers" were introduced virtually forever. This document laid the foundation for serfdom in Muscovy.

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