Folding - what is it? Some information

The concept of "folding" originates fromGerman, the word "falsz" in translation means "groove", "zholob". The concept has taken root in our language without changes. Apply folding in the manufacture of leaflets, for example, booklets, leaflets or postcards, as well as producing full-fledged publications such as catalogs or books.

Folding - what is it?

In the topographical case folding (hereinafter - F.) means folding the sheet with the printed text and any necessary format so that the bend is even, without marriage, such as dents, bevel, wrinkles, excess folds and the like, with the possible subsequent insertion into the notebook, of which there will be more.

Types of folding

There are many types of FA on several factors. So:

  • Depending on the location of individualfolds to each other can perform perpendicular, parallel and mixed (combined) F., and also there is a symmetrical folding. What is it? This is the bending, when the fold line passes into the exact middle of the previously folded sheet. As an example, for book products, a perpendicular type of folding is used.

folding what it is

  • Depending on the type of fold, as demonstrated in the figure, there are at least twelve different types. For clarity, they are all in the image below.

paper folding

  • Depending on the number of bends (from one to four, never make more folds), the output is four, eight, 16 and 32 pages of notebooks.

So, for example, perpendicular FA will look like one fold (point a), two folds (b), three (c) and four (d).

folding what it is

That is, once bending the sheet, we can get a brochure; twice - a booklet; three times and four times - notebooks for subsequent collection in thin and thicker prints.

There is also such a thing as scoring. Folding is performed on paper, the density of which does not exceed 170 g / m2. For more dense papers this type of folding is not suitable, as it can damage the upper layer of these materials. Often, the lesions look like paint peeling, cracks or creases. That's why they make the creasing - they pre-press the sheet along the line of the future bend for the highest quality of the subsequent F.

Earlier it was indicated that the bend should be even and without marriage. Let's consider in more detail

Indicators of qualitative performance of folding

  • The correct page sequence (in the case ofmagazines, books) - the first thing that can be attributed to such indicators. Is it worth it to linger on, because it's so clear that few people will want to read a book in which the pages are mismatched and disorderly.
  • The second indicator can be attributed accuracymade folding. It includes the equality of fields in stanitsa, adjacent to each other, the absence of a slant. An error is permissible - a deviation of 1.5-2 mm, taking into account the format of the future edition.
  • The third parameter can be the densityAdherence of each separate sheet of the notebook to the root rebate. Depending on the degree of crimping, the density is defined as the total gap between the folded sheets.
  • And the last indicator is called visual fitness, that is, the absence of wrinkles, wrinkles, irregularities and other defects.

Folding methods

With small amounts of work allowed by handfolding. What it is? Exclusive and rare. Manually bend either small runs, or complex work, which necessarily need a human factor. In other respects, such works are performed by a machine of two kinds - knife and cassette. The principle of their work is the same - the sheet is rolled between the press rolls.

There are several differences between these settings. The main difference between these machines consists of two parameters - exactly (above the knife), and speed (higher for the cassette). Need faster - use a cassette unit, the accuracy is important - a choice for a knife.

Folding Drawings

This service is carried out for the convenience oftransportation of the finished drawing sheet or other sheets of large format. Correct folding of paper will allow to keep your work in a normal state much longer, because there will not be any crooked curves, unnecessary scuffs, etc. Perform FA drawings under A4, less often - under A3.

drawing folding

You can say in simple words about the procedure"Folding", what is it such a machine professional roll-up of sheets. Agree, if you squeeze yourself at home, the fold can come out a little crooked ("a little" is at best). This procedure is available in almost any printing house, and its cost is calculated on such items as:

  • method of execution (machine, manual);
  • type of bending;
  • urgency of implementation;
  • the amount of work and its complexity.

Folding - what is it, why is it needed? Can someone ask and hear a simple answer. This is not only the convenience of transportation, but also a neat, tidy, presentable look of your work. For serious organizations it will be very indicative that a person will appear with work, which is treated with the utmost care, this is at least an indicator of accuracy.

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