Symptoms of infertility in men

Nature is cruel, it hinders the freereproduction of species. In the genes of a reasonable person, a huge number of mutations and pathological abnormalities are collected, which under certain conditions interfere with the further reproduction of a single individual.

About 20% of men on the planet Earth have certain infertility symptoms that prevent them from leaving their full offspring.

Usually, doctors start to sound an alarm, ifactive attempts the couple can not achieve pregnancy within a year. Approximately half of all conceptions are normally ineffective, these zygotes dissolve. Fertile parents 15% of embryos die long before birth and spontaneously aborted. Thus, the inability to have a child can very well turn out to be a temporary phenomenon, not connected with the reproductive capabilities of a man. Although it is still necessary to consult a doctor in such a situation. The nature, symptoms and causes of infertility can only be determined after careful analyzes and examinations.

We can distinguish the following most common signs of infertility in men.

  1. Oligospermia - eruption of sperm in insufficientfor conception of quantity. Such semen contains too few spermatozoa, usually within 50-100 million, all of them die in the sexual tract of a woman.
  2. Asthenospermia - low mobilityspermatozoa, which leads to a delay in their movement along the genital tract. This also leads to the death of all spermatozoa until they have the opportunity to get to the egg. In addition, even if a miracle happens and such spermatozoa achieve their goal, they still will not be able to fertilize the egg.
  3. Azoospermia is the complete immobility of spermatozoa.
  4. Necrospermia - the death of spermatozoa due to their weakness or defects in the structure.

These symptoms of infertility can be manifested inmen one by one or combined with each other. Necrospermia and azoospermia are most often the consequence of complications of the transmitted venereal or inflammatory diseases.

Also very dangerous effect on blood circulationscrotum. It provides a certain temperature regime for testes that can not normally produce sperm at a temperature close to normal body temperature or at too low a temperature. Low temperatures generally depress the sexual function. Violation of blood circulation in the inguinal and scrotal area leads to a violation of sperm production.

Symptoms of infertility are also characteristic forchronic alcoholics. Excessive consumption of alcohol reduces the activity of spermatozoa or leads to defects in their structure. Often in the sperm of an alcoholic, sperm are kept with two heads or an underdeveloped tail.

It must be said that the inability to conceivea child always means a hopeless situation for a man and complete infertility. Symptoms of the weakness of the reproductive function can only be temporary, but this function is simply weakened, but it remains in the body. This leaves a chance to conceive a child after the timely assistance of a specialist.

For example, such symptoms of infertility in men asInsufficient quantity or low mobility of spermatozoa is easily overcome by means of in vitro fertilization. This measure does not treat male infertility, since it does not affect the reproductive function of a man, but can lead to the appearance of healthy offspring. During conception in vitro spermatozoa, nothing prevents from clinging to an egg, and one of them unhindered it fertilizes. Then the fertilized egg is placed back into the female's sexual organs, where it is fixed and begins to divide.

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