What Should I Do If I Placed Ears?

In the life of each of us, there were force majeuresituation, when suddenly you feel that you have laid your ears. For the most part, it happens unexpectedly and always brings discomfort. In any place: in the workplace, in an airplane, on a walk, at home - this intolerance can overtake us. In a painful condition, almost complete deafness is added to the general stuffiness of the nose, which is very unpleasant. The problem should be solved quickly, otherwise it threatens with complications.

What can I do if I put my ears on the flight?

In airplanes, the human body is undergoingoverload, so this indisposition is considered to be the norm in such conditions. When starting or landing, flying at altitude, the pressure changes dramatically. The abrupt changes affect the eardrums badly, depressing them, so there is a stuffy ears.

In order to discomfort, it is necessaryswallow well and massage the temporal zone. Massage should be done in the area located between the temple itself and the ear cartilage. Prophylactic at the start of the aircraft should open your mouth. In this case, the pressure will simply be redistributed, and the ears will be subjected to a lesser load.

What should I do if my ears are buried in my soul?

The reason, most likely, is in the water. She just got into her ear, shutting off her access to the eardrum. To get rid of water in the ear can be an old "grandfather's" method. To do this, you just need to jump on one leg, placing your palm on the side that does not hear it. In addition, you can get rid of water in your ear with a cotton ball or a cosmetic stick or with your head tilted to the side.

The most important thing is not to invest in the ear of solid objects. One careless movement can damage not only the delicate skin, but the very membrane. After a couple of hours, unpleasant manifestations must pass by themselves. Therefore, there are no special concerns.

What should I do if I laid my ears because of illness?

Obstruction of the ears is characterized mainly byviral infections. In this case, doubly unpleasant: you need to fight not only with the cold itself, but also with the ear plug. There are cases when many people have the disease "goes in the ear," that is, it ends with a mere congestion or otitis. With this arrangement, special attention should be given to the means for eliminating this ailment. When the ears have laid down, you will need manganese, soda, hydrogen peroxide, ear candles.

How to use soda and manganese?

Soda should be previously dissolved in warm water and a few drops to drip into the ear. Soda softens the ear plug. Water should be taken at room temperature to avoid skin burns in the ear.

Manganese should be dissolved in water, up tostaining the latter in a slightly pinkish color. Then, using a syringe without a needle, you need to collect this water and direct it with a sharp stream into the ear. The procedure will not cause painful sensations, because the sensitive skin is behind the stopper. It will take from one to three sessions to eliminate the ear plug.

In pharmacies you can buy ear candles. The application and dosage method is described in the instructions attached thereto. The purpose is pursued the same: it is necessary to soften the cork and gently pull it out without damaging the ear.

If your ears are laid, then you can usehydrogen peroxide. For this, a few droplets should be dripped into the ear. After a couple of sessions, the cork will soften or dissolve. It can be removed with the help of water pressure. Hydrogen peroxide also has disinfectant properties.

If you have ears, and the above methodsdo not give a result, you should immediately consult a doctor-otorhinolaryngologist. The stuffiness of the ears can indicate the dysfunctionality of internal organs and the development of some disease.

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