Fungus in the ear: what to do?

Fungus in the ear - a fairly common disease,more known in medicine under the name "mycosis of the external ear." In fact, fungal lesions of the ENT organs are difficult to treat. That's why it's so important to pay attention to symptoms in time and seek medical help.

Fungus in the ear and its causes

fungus in ear

To date, several hundred are knownspecies of fungi that can live in the human body and, under the necessary conditions, lead to the development of the disease. The most common pathogens are:

  • yeast-like organisms that lead to candidiasis;
  • Mold fungi can excite aspergillosis and mucoidosis;
  • there is also a group of very dangerous pathogenic microorganisms - pathogens of blastomycosis, coccidosis and histoplasmosis.

But in fact, only one fungal infection is notis always enough for the development of the disease. Fungus in the ear can occur for a variety of reasons. And here it is important to notice signs of the disease in time and seek help. The increased multiplication of pathogenic organisms begins with a weakening of the organism caused by:

  • malfunctions in the immune system;
  • diseases related to immunodeficiency, including AIDS;
  • violation of quantitative and qualitative composition of microflora;
  • frequent stresses, strong nervous surges;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, in particular, diabetes mellitus;
  • getting into the ear of dirty water;
  • joint use of headphones and other devices together with a sick person;
  • reception of some hormonal preparations and antibiotics.

Fungus of the ears: symptoms

ear fungus symptoms

Such diseases of the ears are extremely dangerous, sincecan cause sepsis or go into a chronic form. Fungus in the ear is accompanied by characteristic features. First, the selection appears. They can be white, purulent or have a greenish or even black tint, since it depends on the nature of the pathogen. Sometimes plugs form in the ear canal. In addition, patients complain of congestion in the ears and hearing loss.

It should be noted that fungal diseases are notalways accompanied by pain. However, sometimes there are headaches from the affected ear. For fungal diseases, burning and itching in the ear canal are also characteristic. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately seek the help of a specialist.

Ear fungus: treatment

ear fungus treatment

To begin with, the doctor must take the scraping from the ear and send it to a laboratory study. Here, not only determine the variety of fungus, but also its sensitivity to different drugs.

As for therapy, it should includeyourself a few highlights. It is very important to determine the cause of the disease and eliminate it, for example, to cancel the intake of hormones, to cure some somatic disease. In addition, use antifungal drugs - it can be ointments, ear drops, tablets, sometimes injections.

The doctor will also prescribe the use of immunomodulating agents, which will strengthen the natural protective barrier of the body and help the immune system to cope with the infection on its own.

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