Acute and chronic colitis of the intestine: treatment of both forms of the disease

Colitis of the intestine: treatment

One of the most common inflammatoryColon diseases is colitis. It affects the mucous membrane, causing disruptions in the digestive system. The process of digestion of water and nutrients is actively underway in the large intestine. In addition, it has a motor function that promotes the mass of food further along the intestine. Any violation in the work of this site - and the state of health immediately deteriorates. Therefore, to be able to determine this disease immediately is quite important.

Causes of the disease

Two main forms of colitis should be distinguished: this is an acute and chronic disease. The first is due to intestinal infection or poisoning, allergy or intolerance to the drug, stress or malnutrition. Often, and common infections, such as measles or influenza, cause symptoms of intestinal colitis. Treatment in this case is aimed at fighting viruses, and the restoration of the digestive process becomes secondary. Sometimes the disease develops because of unsanitary conditions or improper hygiene. Colitis of the intestine, the treatment of which is not effective enough, easily becomes a chronic disease. In addition, this form of the disease can arise due to infection of the body with parasites, poisoning with poisons of industrial origin, malnutrition or in the form of the consequences of a severe intestinal infection transferred earlier.

Symptoms of intestinal colitis, treatment

Symptoms of the disease

In order to cope with the disease, you needconduct an accurate diagnosis. There are different forms of the disease that require different approaches. On whether fibrinous it is, erosive or spastic colitis of the intestine, the treatment depends directly. Symptoms of varieties of acute illness are frequent stools, nausea and vomiting, attacks of sharp pain in the abdomen. The patients experience weakness and poor health, the temperature rises. The disease can last from a couple of days to several weeks. In chronic form, the disease manifests itself as a disorder of the stool, aching and monotonous pains in the abdomen, which are characterized by seizures, flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen. Having established the symptoms of intestinal colitis, treatment corresponding to the specific form of the disease should be started immediately.

Spastic colitis of the intestine: treatment

Treatment of the disease

Problems with digestion worsen the quality of life,so you can not put up with them categorically. If the patient has an acute colitis of the intestine, treatment should begin with the appointment of abundant drink. It is best to use a medicinal solution of a liter of boiled water with a spoon of salt and seven tablespoons of granulated sugar, which is effectively absorbed by the intestine. You can drink weak tea or mineral water. It is strictly forbidden to drink coffee. At the same time, the patient must follow a strict diet and take activated charcoal. Enzyme and adsorbent drugs are prescribed by a doctor, for example, drugs "Pansinorm forte" and "Calcium Carbonate", will help restore the microflora of affected mucous membranes. If chronic colitis of the intestine is established, the treatment includes a diet that excludes fried, spicy and pickled. In addition, you should take prescribed by the doctor adsorbents, antispasmodics and normalizing the microflora, such as drugs "Bifidumbacterin" and "Bifikol." As preventive measures it is necessary to monitor food and hygiene, limit alcohol consumption and control intestinal health, take vitamin complexes "Combivit C" or "Decamevit".

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