How to normalize the pressure?

All sick people who feel themselvesjumps of blood pressure and constantly ask the question: "How to normalize blood pressure?", can be divided into two fairly large groups. On hypotension, that is, on those who have the pressure often decreases or is in a constantly reduced state, and hypertensive patients, that is, those who have the pressure often rises or is in a constantly elevated state. Just about how to normalize the pressure, and will be discussed in this article.

Hypertensive patients often have crises andsometimes only drugs help to lower blood pressure. Hypotonics also suffer from crises, but in their case, the pressure does not increase, but falls very sharply - well below the established rate. In most cases, the first time these crises occur at a time when a person does not expect them at all. Of course, after the first case, he will always have the right pills under his hand, if he does not leave home for forgetfulness. However, if you do not know how to normalize the pressure without medication, the first time can be the last.

To normalize blood pressure, it is enough to know just three simple exercises:

  • Reduced blood pressure is excellentIt is normalized by means of massage of phalanx of index fingers clockwise. It is necessary to do this with pillows of the thumbs, as if rolling a small ball between them. To normalize the low pressure, the same means are used, but you need to massage it counter-clockwise. This exercise is ideal for use in public places.
  • Massaging points that are located in the holeslocated in the shoulder joints is an excellent way to reduce and increase the pressure, it all depends on the direction of the massage. For hypotension - it's clockwise, and for hypertension - vice versa. To simplify the process of finding these dimples, it is enough to raise your hands above yourself.
  • Breathing is another way to bringblood pressure back to normal. Make a continuous and calm breath, with any closed nostrils, and then the same exhalation. So breathe should be until the normalization of your pressure.

Many people ask: "How to normalize the pressure with folk remedies?", But why this is needed, if there are perfectly tested medications that do not harm health and do their job well. However, some folk remedies deserve attention. This soda violet, scented geranium, chamomile and essential oils of mint. They should be inhaled in the event that the atmospheric pressure changes. Tea with caraway seeds, hawthorn, valerian, and also motherwort helps even more perfectly.

If you are hypertensive and want to learn how to normalize the pressure, then for you there are several useful tips:

  • Stop drinking, smoking, drinking coffee, eating salty foods, and drinking various liquids above the established rate.
  • Work on your weight and bring it to its normal shape. This can help vegetable and dairy days of release, once a week, each.
  • Sleep at least ten hours for one day.
  • Refuse to travel in the subway, as this can cause a crisis.

If you hypotonic and want to learn how to normalize the pressure, then for you, too, there are several useful tips:

  • Every morning, pour yourself cold water!
  • Do not eat more than two grams of salt per day.
  • Give the body weight to the normal state, making it as close as possible to the optimal index of the mass index.
  • Fully tie with liquor.
  • Increase your level of physical activity. For this it is enough to make every day walks on 8-10 kilometers.
  • Do not smoke, but if you smoke, then quit.
  • Watch your health and everything will be fine.
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