Pain in the groin

Pain in the groin of the aching, pulling or sharpcharacter are familiar to many. More often to such displays people who are engaged in professionally sports or physically heavy activity are subject. The inguinal region is located at the junction of the thigh and the lower abdominal part. A canal with large femoral blood vessels passes through this zone. In the female groin is the uterine ligament, in the male - the spermatic cord. In addition, the loops formed from the intestines descend to this site, which are capable of forming a hernia. Pain in the groin, in the first place, can point to it.

Hernia is formed with a weakening of the peritoneal tissue inthe result of physical effort or over time. Disease is more susceptible to men. Recognizing the ailment is simple enough, while the patient is standing. During a manual examination of the scrotum, the patient is offered to cough. As a result of this manipulation, there is an increase in pressure in the abdomen and penetration of the intestinal loops into the hernia opening. A very unpleasant complication of the disease is infringement. A similar phenomenon develops as a result of the clamping of the loop. This, in turn, provokes a violation of blood circulation in the intestine and the destruction of its loop.

Pain in the groin can also be a consequence ofinfectious diseases. The most common include: endometritis, parametritis, proctitis, adnexitis. The causative agents of these infections provoke an increase in lymph nodes, accompanied by painful sensations. The presence of a tumor without manifestations of unpleasant sensations may indicate the development of benign or malignant formation or the development of syphilis in the primary stage.

In a number of cases, pain in the groin is a symptomnephrolithiasis, especially with a low positioning of formations or penetration of them into the ureter. Colic is characterized by a sudden onset and the same disappearance with a duration of several minutes to several days. Renal colic is characterized by acute pain in the lower back, irradiating to the subcostal area, bladder and groin, involving the external genitalia in the process.

Symptom can also be accompanied by osteochondrosis. When the lumbosacral lesion is damaged, the nerves are squeezed. This phenomenon causes pain in the groin.

In women, in most cases, the symptom is associated withthe development of genitourinary infection, or the presence of an inflammatory process in any of the pelvic organs. Diseases of this nature are a significant danger for men, as they have an adverse effect on the quality of sexual contact, intimate life in general. In addition, such ailments can cause impotence and infertility.

The most common symptoms associated withinflammatory processes - it is soreness and difficulty with urination, pain in the lumbar region, the presence of blood impurities in the urine. Swollen, but not causing unpleasant sensations of the lymph nodes may indicate the presence of sexual infections taking place in hidden forms.

Soreness in the groin also occurs with injuries,development of herpes, colliculitis, epididymitis, cryptorchidism, vesicles. The cause may be and proptosis (symmetrical deformity in the anterior abdominal wall due to weak musculature of the abdomen).

When the leg hurts in the groin, experts sayirradiation of sensation. Symptom may accompany the development of tumors (malignant or benign), hernia, trauma, urological or gynecological diseases, infectious lesions. If you have any signs of an illness, you should contact your doctor without delay.

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