How to make the car itself with the help of a film.

Toning the car's glass, that is, changingtheir reflecting properties and light transmission capacity has gained wide popularity in our country. This really makes the car a more perfect device, especially on hot summer days. Zatonirovat the machine itself - it means to get rid of the adverse effect of bright sunlight, which is able not only to heat the car to a level that it will not be possible to stay in its cabin, but also damage objects in the cabin, and also damage its equipment - many elements used for the interior of the car are made of plastic, which is prone to deformation from high temperatures, and its surface - to "burnout." That is why the solution of the question of how to land a car itself is for many important aspects, discussed among motorists quite often. Even more often the question arises how to tune the car on a guest, so that the pleasure from the coolness and magnificent appearance of the car does not turn into trouble with the traffic police.

So, how to cram the car yourself? There are two types of toning - by spraying and by gluing special window films. The first variety, widely used in the 90s of the last century, has now lost popularity due to the complexity of its implementation, as well as the inability to bring the glass to its original state. That is, there are only special toning films, which in addition to the ease of mounting a number of other advantages. For example, the film gives the glass a certain protection from the appearance of cracks during the hit of small pebbles. Passengers in turn are protected in this case from glass shards in the event of an accident. In addition, this tint helps significantly reduce the load on the eyes of the driver during the day in bright light. In addition, toning can decorate the appearance of the machine, even breathing new life into it. Toning films is carried out in many car repair shops, but if you want to save money, you will have to study the instruction how to carve the car yourself.

Instructions how to properly frame the machine with a film:

First, you need to buy the right filmfor toning. The market of auto parts offers today a lot of variants of this product for every taste. When choosing, it is necessary to be cautious - not every film corresponds to GOST, so the choice should be approached carefully.

Secondly, it is necessary to remove and in the most careful waywash all the glasses. Do not forget that the process of washing the glasses is as important as the sticker of the film, because any speck of dust left on the glass will lead to the appearance of a "bubble". After the glasses are washed, they need to be wiped with a dry cloth, but only one that does not leave behind the villi and thread.

The third stage for the decisive is how to cramthe machine itself, should be the process of diluting the soap solution. To do this, in the clean water, dissolve about 4 drops of shampoo or detergent per liter of water.

Next, you should carefully bend the corner of the film,starting with the bottom corner. After the film has been peeled off the transparent layer, it must be immediately sprayed with a soap solution, using a spray gun. After that, they start spraying the glass. Preparatory procedures are over, you can start applying the film. Then, by means of a plastic or rubber spatula, it is necessary to expel water and air accumulated under the film, applying movements directed from the center to the edges.

After all the bubbles under the film areremoved, you can proceed to prune the excess edges of the film. To do this, use a blade. Then, the glass is dried either in air or with a hair dryer. After tinting is done, it is strictly not recommended to raise or lower the glass for seven days. In addition, the film can not be washed with a product containing abrasive materials.

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