How to make a bee-tail: step-by-step instruction

Need for an increase in beekeeping by the beekeeperexists almost always. The reasons for this may be different. Very often, for example, the bee colonies are made for the expansion of the apiary itself. Also, it is often necessary to increase the number of families in the spring due to the death of insects. Form new hives and those beekeepers who are engaged in breeding work.

Definition and basic techniques

The proper selection is the choice of brood andbees from already existing hives with the purpose of artificial formation of new families. This procedure can be performed using several technologies. Often, beekeepers group the layers into separate hives. Sometimes a less expensive way can be used. Breeding bees at the same time is simply separated from the old family within the multi-hive or lounger. In the first case, the "divider" is usually the fodder layer, in the second - the diaphragm.

of bees

Bees and brood for breeding beekeepers cantake both from one family and from several. Both methods are used quite often. However, the latter method is usually used to reduce the probability of weakening families before a bribe. In the first case, the batch will be called individual, in the second - the team.

Form new families can be both with fetal, soand with barren uterus. In the first case, the layers are organized approximately 1-1.5 months prior to the honey collection, in the second - for 1.5-2 months. Sometimes a new family is formed using the mature uterus.

Also, all layers can be classified according to the age of the bees. In this respect, three main types are distinguished:

  • on a young bee;

  • on the old;

  • of different age.

When carrying out breeding work, the bee coloniesit is necessary to create only the most powerful families. You can also take individuals from the weak. But in this case, they should always be accompanied by a very good uterus.

how to draw a bee

Instruction for forming: basic steps

Actually the organization of the layering includes the following stages:

  • the most favorable time is chosen for the creation of a new family;

  • the hives are prepared and new queen cells are created;

  • the proper formation of a layer with new bees is made;

  • Quarries are distributed in the layers.

Further we will understand with technologies of performance of each step separately.

Recommended formation time

Create new families at temperatures below 25 aboutC can not.If the street is colder, the uterus just will not fly out of the hives. Also, the beekeeper, who decided to form a brood of bees in the spring, should wait until the insects completely retreat after the winter. Families must necessarily gain full force. It is not allowed to form layers even if there are no drones in the hives. Most often, the optimal time to create new families is mid-May. If the spring is warm, you can start work at the beginning of this month.

 the brood of bees in the spring

In the past,It is advisable only with the use of spoiled families. Weaken bees in this case, you can not be afraid. Fattening families on an early bribe will still not work.

Thus, the answer to the question of whento make a selection of bees, is simple enough. Perform this procedure in the spring, after establishing warm weather. It is also impossible to tighten too much with the creation of the required number of layers in the apiary. This work should be done in such a way that the uterus should begin laying eggs no later than 40 days before the main bribe. In this case, new families will have time to gain enough strength for the honey. Created too late, the layers can later turn out to be of high quality. However, in the autumn they, most likely, nevertheless will deliver to the beekeeper a lot of trouble.

How are the preparatory works carried out

One of the main problems of any apiary isall kinds of diseases of bees. Therefore, hives intended for the creation of new families must first be thoroughly cleaned. Further, they must be disinfected. Old empty beehives before planting bees in them should be inspected. If necessary, they are repaired.

bees without a uterus

Step two: standard technology of formation

After a sufficient number of beehives or corps with temporary donations have been prepared, the main part of the work on the formation of a new family is being started.

Preliminarily in the intended for the removal of beesThe office is placed two honey frames with Perga. In the honeycomb cells, water is poured. For a good effect in this case, enough and one glass. Have honey combs along the edges of the future bee nest. In the middle, in the future, there will be enough room for two brood frames.

At the next stage in the chosen family they look forthe uterus and cover it with a cap. Next, for the new hive, you should select the best honeycomb (2 pcs.) With brood, mature at the outlet. In the prepared "well" they are placed together with bees. After that, a number of young insects (from 2-3 honeycombs) are shaken into the new beehive.

To fear to place too much in the batchthe number of bees is not worth it. All flying insects will soon return to the old family. Only young bees remain in the line (usually no more than three small streets).

when to make a bee hive

Distribution of queen cells

This procedure is most often carried out by the evening ofthe same day in which the formation was formed. By this time, bees already usually manage to settle in a new place and feel their orphanhood. Consequently, the insect as well as the mother fruit are likely to be well received. In addition, the old bees by the evening will already fly to their families. Young, however, usually differ in peacefulness.

Quartermasters experienced beekeepers to create newfamilies are recommended to use those in which until the release of "queens" remains 2-3 days. During this time, the remains of old bees will fly from the hives, and the young ones will finally get used to it. Perform the distribution of queen cells and the next day after the formation of layers. However, it is impossible to delay this procedure for a longer period. After 2-4 days, young bees will build their own queen cells. Of course, they can be removed. However, even in the presence of an external queen cell, insects will subsequently actively build their own. The grafted "queens" they will begin to kill.

Another way to create a full-fledged family

Thus, the formation of bee layers is usuallyinvolves the use of queen cells. But some beekeepers also practice a slightly different method of creating new families. In this case, the uterus is inserted directly into the litter. The advantage of this method is, first of all, that in this case it is possible to evaluate the "queen" according to morphological features, weight and size. The disadvantages of this technique include reducing the probability of taking the uterus by the family. Use this method is only if the beehive is not open brood.

how to make a bee sprinter in the spring

Instruction on the formation of layers in multi-hulls

How to make a hatch of bees in the spring, thus,we found. According to the technology described above, new families are created in separate hives. Layers in multi-hull form approximately the same. But in this case the technology includes a few more steps.

In multi-body structures to the formation ofA new family starts only after there are already at least 9 frames of brood in the main family. In this case, first prepare the feed layers. Empty cells (3-4) and 6-7 small-framed frames are placed in them.

Actually, under the extension itself, one morea new body and nail the plywood bottom to it. Next, 2-3 frames from the main family with a printed uneven-aged brood and bees sitting on the honeycomb are transferred into it from the main family. Then, in order to strengthen the ligature, as in the first case, the insects are shaken off with another 2-3 frames, making sure that the uterus remains in the old casing.

At the next stage, the bees are set7-8 low-honeycomb. The mother liquor or the young uterus is placed into the body after 8 hours. Next, they begin assembling a multi-tiered structure. The stern hulls are located above the main family. They are set up a formed band. On top of the construction of a cushion.

The hive so formed is notbother for 3-4 weeks. During this time, the old family will have time to build up strength. Young will withdraw the grafted uterus. At the end of this period, as the need arises, it is possible to expand both families.

How to make a bee-gather in a sunbed

The design of this type of hive assumesThe expansion of space is not in the vertical, but in the horizontal plane. This they are different from multi-hulls. For the production of a layer in such a construction, the side part is first fenced off by the diaphragm. Then carry out the migration of bees and put the resulting mother in the resulting compartment. The technology of formation in this case practically does not differ from those described above.

How to make a hive of bees without a uterus

This method of resettlement beekeepers also useoften enough. It is used when it is not possible to purchase a breeding queen for the family or if there is no time to grow a quality individual directly on the farm. In this case, pre-cook the hive, like two drops of water, similar to the "house" of the chosen family. Then they wait for the moment when the bees go to collect honey. After that, set the prepared hive next to the main one. Returning home, the bees will find two similar "dwellings", will be divided into two parts and will occupy both. So it turns out two families - one with a womb, the other without it.

bee collecting

For a long time such a divorce of bees without a uterus,of course, will not remain. After 4 days, insects will lay a few queen cells. The beekeeper will only need to remove the defective ones, leaving about 4 pieces. On the 24th day the new queen will have to make the first seeding. If it turns out to be of poor quality, the family will have to be combined with the main one. A new attempt at a division in this case can be repeated no earlier than a year later.

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