How to bathe newborn babies. Memo for young parents

The question of when to start and how to bathenewborn children, is on the list of the very first and important ones that arise in newly-made parents. After all, with this pleasant but not simple process, there are many nuances that need to be considered. This is the temperature of the water, and the means to be used, and how to keep crumbs, and much more. Let's talk about these and other important points of concern for young mothers and dads when approaching the bathing of crumbs.

how to bathe newborn babies
When you can start bathing a newborn baby

Before taking a close look at the issue of howbathing newborns, you need to consider when you can start doing it. A baby should be bathed in a baby bath only after the umbilical cord wound. On average, this occurs in the second - third week of the baby's life. Before complete healing, one should refrain from bathing in order to avoid possible infection. Until this happens, the baby is gently wiped with wet napkins or gauze soaked in warm water.

What to bathe baby

Newborn baby for the first time you need to bathe inboiled water with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate. Manganese should be diluted in a separate container, so that the crystals do not burn the baby. Due to this, the water in the bath should turn into a light pink color. The water temperature for the first time is 36.6, and then 37 degrees. Check it with a special thermometer, which should be carefully selected. Please note that a defective thermometer can give an error of four degrees, hoping for it, you run the risk of frightening and burning the baby. The duration of bathing for the first time should be about four minutes. Gradually, the time of this process is increased to 20 minutes.

Than to bathe the newborn

than to bathe the newborn

To bathe an infant in a bath follows every day andit is better to do this before a night's sleep. Do not always use soap or other detergents. Alkali contained in them, can damage the delicate skin of the baby. It is best to alternate soap, herbal infusions and a solution of potassium permanganate. Thus, bathing with each of these funds will occur on average 2 times, which will only benefit. Infusion of alternating, chamomile and other herbs can both be prepared by yourself, and buy the finished concentrate in the pharmacy. Wash crumbs with a soft mitten, sponge or just a hand.

How to bathe newborn babies

When you buy a baby, you need to place it on your left hand. The head of the baby will be located on the shoulder, while the back and the butt are on the forearm and the hand.

what to bathe baby
That the kid is not frightened of water, it follows, beforehow to lower it into a bath, undress and let it get used to room temperature for 20 minutes. For swimming, you can also use a variety of special slides, which greatly facilitates the task. You must first wash your neck and wrinkles on it, then your chest, tummy, legs and hands. After this turn the baby and wash the back. The head is cleaned last, while slightly tipping it back so that the foam does not hit the eyes. It is necessary to soap the hair, paying special attention to the places of formation of crusts. Then pour clean water from the individual scoop from front to back.


Pursuing the question of how to bathenewborns, it should be borne in mind that if the room is cool, you need to put on a light hat before the hair dries completely. Also, in order not to frighten the baby, you can lower it into the water in the diaper, gradually unfolding in the process of bathing.

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