Allegory. Examples and interpretation of the concept

We often use words and expressions that areallegorical form indicate any concepts or phenomena without naming them. For example, when we say "crow in peacock feathers," we mean a person trying to seem more important and significant than he really is. "First Swallow" refers to the signs of the approximation of something new, joyful, change for the better. This method of portable speech in literature and art is an allegory, examples of which are given above.

Allegory examples

The origins of this definition

Allegory comes from the Greek words: allos - different and agoreuo - I say. Abstract concepts, which can not be briefly conveyed, are depicted in the form of a vivid image, the name of which is an allegory. Examples of such images, understandable to all people regardless of their nationality: the image of a woman with a bandage in front of her and with scales in her hand is a well-known symbol of justice; The snake that wrapped the cup is a symbol of medicine. Allegory as an artistic device came to art from Greek mythology and folklore. Most of the biblical images are also allegorical. Examples of allegory in the Bible: Judas embodies lie and betrayal, and the Virgin Mary - moral purity and integrity.

Where you can find allegory

In fiction, allegorical imagesmost often used in fables and parables. Ancient Greek fabulist Aesop resorted to an allegorical form of expressing his thoughts, as he could not express them directly. Under the guise of animals he ridiculed human stupidity, greed, hypocrisy. Later, the allegorical manner of the presentation of thoughts began to be called the Aesopian language. Allegory is widely used in Russian literature in the fables of IA Krylov. Examples of this are images of animals that are characters of Krylov's fables. By them is meant some certain human character trait. Pig - the allegory of ignorance, fox - cunning, deceit, flattery at the same time, donkey - stupidity.

Examples of allegory

Comparisons in relationships

Sometimes an allegorical image expresses a certainattitude to the concept that he portrays. For example, Ilf and Petrov use the image of a golden calf, which personifies wealth and money. Emphasizing their ironic attitude to this image, they turned the calf into a calf. And already somewhat different meaning has acquired a well-known allegory - an example of a senseless pursuit of wealth. This topic can easily be traced in many classical and modern literary plays.

allegory example

Allegory. Examples in the proper names

The reception of allegory is used by writers insurnames of characters. At Griboyedov - Molchalin and Skalozub, Gogol - Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Lyapkin-Tyapkin, at Fonvizin - Pravdin, Starodum, Prostakov. These "talking" surnames are also an example of allegory. Fiction, like music, sculpture, painting, depicts life through artistic images that carry the feelings of the creator, the understanding of this or that phenomenon through personal experience, world perception. In order for the artistic image to be more profound in order to most accurately convey their experiences, writers use all the richness and diversity of language, including allegory.

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