Methodical work in the Dow: basic forms and directions

Methodical work in the DOW is an integrateda system of measures interconnected, based on scientific achievements and pedagogical experience (including progressive ideas). It is aimed at improving the skills, professional skills, the skills of the educator and the entire teaching staff.

Areas of work

Pre-school institutions have already formedways to improve the level of skill of teachers. But often there is no clear relationship between the different types of methodical work in the DOU. Therefore, the task of the head of the kindergarten and the methodologist is the formation of a unified system and the search for effective, accessible methods of mastery.

methodical work in the dow

The content of the methodological work in the PFD is determinedin accordance with specific goals and objectives. Also, the results of the educational process in this institution, the qualifications of the teachers and the cohesion of the whole team are taken into account. The work is carried out in the following areas:

  • educational - improving the qualifications of teachers in the theoretical plan and mastering modern methods of interaction with children;
  • Didactic - gaining knowledge on improving the efficiency of the kindergarten;
  • psychological - conducting classes in psychology (general, age, pedagogical);
  • physiological - conducting classes in physiology and hygiene;
  • technical - educator should be able to apply ICT in their work;
  • self-educational - reading of special literature, visiting seminars on topical issues.

Such a wide variety of areas of methodical work in the DOW needs a selection of the most effective forms of interaction with teaching staff.

methodical work in the dhow in kindergarten

Forms of holding

They are divided into two groups: individual and group.

  1. The Pedagogical Council is the supreme governing body of the whole educational process. Solves specific problems.
  2. Counseling - the educator can get advice on the question that interests him.
  3. Seminars - they are discussing certain topics, experts from other institutions can be invited. And at the workshops, the teachers' skills are improved.
  4. Open class.
  5. Business games - imitation making any important decisions in different situations.
  6. "Round table".
  7. The pedagogical newspaper is the association of the collective with the help of creativity.
  8. Creative microgroups - they are organized to find effective methods of work.
  9. Work on a common for all methodological theme.
  10. Self-education of educators.

It is desirable to use all forms of organization of methodical work in the DOW (which are more of the above) in order to achieve the most effective results.

forms of organization of methodical work in the dhow


Methodical work in the pre-school (in kindergarten) isone of the important aspects that need to be paid attention. With the right organization, not without the participation of the head and methodologist, she is able to motivate teachers to professional growth. Therefore, a search is being made for new, non-standard forms for professional development. This does not mean that traditional will not be needed. Only in combination with well-established and modern methods can create a professional and cohesive pedagogical team.

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