What is the difference between drama and melodrama? Key Features

Sometimes, leaving with a head in the fictional world of books,admiring the actors' play in the theater or empathizing with the movie heroes on the big screen, we do not think about the genre, which is important, because in this way you can fully understand the essence of the work, understand what the author wanted to convey to the target audience. Art can be many-sided: entertaining and instructive, elite and mass, avant-garde and popular. It should immediately be stipulated that there are no bad genres, each of them finds his admirer, and the goal of the creator of the work is to find his circle of readers.

What is the difference between drama and melodrama
A curious section is drama. This genre appeared at the end of the XVIII century, replacing a tragedy. What distinguishes the drama from melodrama is the description of the life of a common man in all colors. This is the story of an ordinary average citizen with his problems, misunderstandings from relatives and society as a whole, conflicts with the whole world. At this point the hero has to decide: to bend under the demands of the system or challenge her, live according to conscience or listen to the advice of the crowd.

What is the difference between drama and melodrama?presence of social conflict. In heroes, a person sees himself, and the author, as it were, hints that such a story can repeat with everyone. Decide how to act in this or that situation, it is necessary independently. Dramatic works almost never end well, at the end of the main character awaits death, but not always. The difference between drama and melodrama is that the author only shows the futility of fighting against the system, one is not a warrior in the field, but he does not say how to act in a similar situation.

than a drama differs from a melodrama
The drama is emotionalcomponent. Heroes of such works can be aristocrats, people of "blue" blood, who are alien to the concerns of ordinary people, but they also have problems, though of a different level. It can also be the story of two lovers who have to overcome all obstacles, deceptions, betrayals and prove their love. What a drama differs from a melodrama is because it makes you think about your own life. It has a psychological overtones that do not immediately, slowly but surely penetrate the subconscious of a person who understands all the tragedy of the protagonist, rethinking his own life.

What is the difference between drama and melodrama,that in the first case we see a very real life with the problems and cares of the hero, and in the second - a fairy tale for adults, where the characters are obsessed with their feelings. Such soap operas are mainly designed for female audience, especially housewives, tired of gray life and wishing to delve into a fictitious love story. Melodramas cause a lot of emotions, carry away from the first minutes, but it's nothing more than a dummy that is not filled with meaning, after a short period of time the story is forgotten, leaving nothing behind.

genre of melodrama drama
A fairy tale with a happy ending - this is the genre"melodrama". The drama has a tragic ending, it makes a person think about the actions of the hero and learn about himself in him. Melodrama gives the target audience a bit of sadness, emotions, romance, but usually everything ends with a chime of wedding bells. Every person desires to recognize himself in the main hero, but only more ennobled, and it is from the vision of his projection that the choice of genre depends.

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