Communism off the coast of America: the time difference with Cuba

Cuba always seemed to us, the former Sovietcitizens, something incredible. Any tourist at one mention of Cuba sees sunny beaches, sweaty bottles of rum and fragrant cigars. But is it only necessary to know when going to the famous Island of Freedom?

Time difference with Cuba

Cuban voyage

Rest on a beautiful sunny island can becomethe best memory of the tourist who will warm it up on long winter evenings and delight among the daily hustle and bustle of the working day. Definitely, Cuba is worth it to visit.

But before any journey it is necessary to collectbrief information about the country in which you buy the tour. Ignorance of some simple things can significantly complicate the trip. For example, the banal time difference with Cuba can cause serious ill-health in an untrained traveler. A preliminary study of the list of things allowed to export from the country, will save from problems at customs.

How to get to the Island of Freedom?

Moscow and Cuba share more than nine thousandkilometers. This fact means that the flight to Havana, which welcomes all flights from Russia, will not be very fast. But due to the fact that there is a time difference with Cuba, the journey will not seem endless. On the average, a direct flight delivers a tourist to the snow-white Cuban beaches in twelve hours. And this is the shortest route.

In other cases, the connecting flight will take about twenty hours. To sustain such a journey can not everyone, so Cuba has not yet become a place of mass pilgrimage of tourists from Russia.

Cuba: the time difference with Moscow

December and January is the time whenCuban land rush tourists. And although the difference in time with Cuba in most countries is significant, this does not prevent travelers from dreaming of rest on the sunny island coast.

If you fly to Liberty Island from Moscow, thenprepare for a time difference of eight hours. When it's night in Cuba, it's already morning in Moscow. Such a serious failure in the biological clock can cause headaches, fatigue and reduced immunity. As a result, the long-awaited holiday will go wrong. But it's not for this people go on such a long trip.

Cuba time difference with Moscow

That the time difference with Cuba does not becomecause bad state of health, try to be ready to change the biological clock. To do this, it is worthwhile to advance the hours of awakening and retirement to the Cuban time. Also on the first day of rest it is necessary to categorically exclude the intake of alcohol and various energy specialists. Observance of these elementary rules will make the Cuban voyage the most beautiful and amazing adventure in your life.

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