Celery slimming soup helps you to become slim and lose weight

In pursuit of an ideal figure, people try tolose weight with the help of exhausting diets and hunger strikes, drink tea slimming and pills, try all possible ways. One effective means of quickly losing weight, while not harming health, is a weight loss soup, which is quickly prepared and effectively reduces weight. Here's a recipe for a celery soup. To make it, you need to mix the following ingredients: cut one kapustinku, three medium bulbs. There, add six grated carrots and a bunch of celery stalks. In this mixture, put a packet of frozen beans and four tomatoes. Mix everything, salt, pepper and pour in one broth cube. In general, such a soup is better not even to salt at all, so the slimming effect will be better. All this mixture should be filled with water and cook until ready. The soup for weight loss should get pretty thick. Now you can eat it in any quantity, although you will hardly eat a lot of such soup.

The effect of this soup is obvious - you lose weight quickly,while not feeling hungry and getting together with soup a lot of vitamins. Such a soup for weight loss can be eaten even in the evening, when the rest of the food is not recommended. Soup is low-calorie, it does not have more than thirty calories per hundred grams, and there are no fats. This is very important for the process of losing weight. Of course, this soup can get bored after three days, but you are after beauty, and as you know, it requires sacrifice. To change the taste of the soup, you can add a little canned beans. So it will be nicer, and the protein will be added. In addition, in the soup can add a little potatoes and pasta or rice.

On a diet in which the dietonly a soup for losing weight, you can sit as much as you can. Here, you eat balanced, do not starve, and therefore do not do any harm to your body. Eating such a soup, you can lose weight by three kilograms per week. Very effectively struggles with excess weight soup for weight loss, reviews about it the most favorable. Most people, after trying this method to lose weight, are satisfied, because in this case, the weight is dumped quickly enough, while there is no feeling of hunger and no harm to the body. So, go ahead. Cook a miracle soup and start to lose weight.

In addition to this effective method, there is another -soup diet for weight loss, reviews of which are also the most positive. Such a diet delivers in the body a lot of nutrients, vitamins. Especially good is the soup diet in the cold season, when you can keep warm with a hot soup, and also lose weight. You need to learn how to sit properly on a soup diet.

First, during such a diet, eat onlyvegetable soups. Instant soups should be completely excluded, no additives can be used here. Vegetables should only be fresh. The course of such a diet should not be more than one week. Despite the fact that vegetable soups have many useful substances, they still can not give the human body all the necessary substances in full. Therefore, after a week's soup diet is best to eat normally. After two weeks you can again sit on such a diet. Since each human body is individual, it is best to consult a doctor before sitting on such a diet.

Do not forget that during the soup dietAlcoholic drinks, soda and flour products should be completely excluded. Bread and fatty foods are also unacceptable here. Vegetable soups you can cook a lot, a variety of taste and composition. Therefore, such a diet pleases its diversity. You will not be tired of the soup, because it will be constantly different.

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