Why there is a sulfur plug in the ear?

Physicians call the occurrence of sulfur plugs"A disease of purity." All problems of this kind are due to the fact that people clean their ears, trying to free them from "excess" sulfur, in all possible ways: cotton buds, matches, even a pin eye. Before resorting to such fanatical measures of influence, it is necessary to understand what is sulfur and sulfur plug in the ear.

Sulfur is, first of all, not dirt, from whichit is necessary to get rid mechanically. It is allocated to protect the auditory canal, as well as to prevent infection. When sulfur comes out, it captures dust, small particles and dead particles of the epithelial cover, thus freeing the ear from alien and unnecessary elements.

Remember that when you remove sulfur from theusing any items, you do not clean your ear completely: just tampering with the amount you could not get, toward the tympanic membrane. As a result, a sulfur plug appears, the removal of which is much more difficult.

Signs of the presence of sulfur plugs areconstant noise in the ears and the presence of a resonant echo during a conversation. As a rule, the signs that there is a sulfur plug in the ear appear when you get into the ear of water or with a strong sweating.

The gray cork in the ear occurs for several reasons:

  1. As a rule, pressing of sulfur occurs as a result of regular cleaning of the auricle with the help of cotton buds, matches with cotton wool, pins, pins.
  2. Possible natural tendency to excessive sulfur formation.
  3. Narrow or ornate auditory canal.
  4. Inflammatory process on the skin of the ear canal, as well as the ingress of foreign particles, dust and debris into the interior.
  5. Less often, but there is a sulfur plug in the ear also due to high cholesterol levels in the blood.

When all the same there was a sulfur plug in an ear,treatment should be done immediately. Only the otolaryngologist must delete it. It is forbidden to do this yourself: you can disrupt the integrity of the tympanic membrane and ear in general. If the cork is not removed in time, it can lead to the development of external otitis, hearing impairment of varying degrees (hearing loss). There may even be pressure ulcers of the external auditory canal.

For people whose body is prone to the formation of sulfur plugs, doctors recommend cleaning the ears in the hospital.

Washing the plugs is carried out with a weak pressure of water,which has room temperature. The liquid is drawn into the syringe and sent into the ear. Before you go to this procedure, you need to soften the sulfur plugs. This is done with the help of instillation in the ears for a few days special drops. You can buy them in pharmacy kiosks. However, the use of a specific type of droplets is not chosen independently. The prescription is made by a doctor. You can use glycerin as a softening agent, as well as hydrogen peroxide or mineral oil. If the sulfur plug of the ear is previously softened, it will easily leave under a small head of water.

Note that getting rid of sulfur plugs is notfinal stage. It is important to properly observe the hygiene of the ears in the future, in order to prevent the subsequent occurrence of these problems. So, several times a month, otolaryngologists recommend burying ears with vaseline oil or hydrogen peroxide, and then clearing the ear (carefully) with a twisted cotton flagellum.

When you take a bath, as apreventive measures do not wipe your ears completely, dry. Just a little dry them with a hair dryer (warm jet), and then drip into each ear a drop of ethyl alcohol.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later! Remember this and be healthy!

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