What are adenoids? Symptoms and Treatment Options

If your child is constantly naughty, crying andrefuses to play with your favorite toys, then there is some reason that bothers him. And it should be found as soon as possible, because the health of a small defenseless person depends on this. Perhaps, he is troubled by pains in the abdomen or his teeth are chapped? It is difficult to understand the situation when the child can not yet voice the reasons for his anxiety.

What are adenoids?

Unfortunately, many parents know firsthandabout what adenoids are, which can cause serious discomfort to the baby. After all, adenoids are a pathologically enlarged lymphoid tissue surrounding the nasopharynx. With progressive growth adenoids become a place of localization of microbes. The air that gets into the nose stops being cleared and in such an unattractive form falls into the lower parts of the respiratory tract.

Adenoiditis in a child may not occur, becauseThe nasopharyngeal tonsil is capable of diminishing when the child's age will pass the 12-year mark. Therefore adenoids most often disturb children from 3 to 10 years old, but can insidiously declare themselves in the first years of life or during sexual development.

Symptoms of adenoid development:

  • breathing with the mouth (pronounced difficulty with nasal breathing);
  • the appearance of snoring during sleep;
  • cough, runny nose of prolonged nature;
  • frequent discharge from the nose of mucous or purulent;
  • worsening of hearing.

Inflammation of adenoids

But for what reason there is inflammation of adenoids in children? One of them is frequent and protracted colds, which can be accompanied by unpredictable and unpleasant complications.

Treatment of adenoiditis

If the course of the disease is not positivedynamics, the attending physician may suggest removing the adenoids with the help of an operative intervention - adenotomy. It is clear that the child is unlikely to be pleased with this decision. But he knows what adenoids are better than others, and, maybe, he will still agree to the parents' persuasions to undergo the procedure of their removal. The operation, conducted under the influence of anesthesia or without it, will last several minutes. Possible recurrent development of adenoids can be stopped with the help of cauterization by laser or nitrogen.

Adenoiditis in a child

But you can try to cure inflamed adenoidspainless way with the help of therapy with immunomodulating medications, combined with the cleansing of the mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx. The natural composition of medicines allows to avoid the possible emergence of resistance to the treatment, the effectiveness of which allows to restore the functionality of the immune system. A strengthened child forgets what adenoids are.

In any case, with inflammation of the adenoidsfight. After all, a chronic disease carries an infectious "charge" that can lead to negative consequences: frequent colds, otitis, nasal or stuttering. This fact explains very clearly what adenoids are. The child ceases to enjoy life, loses sleep and sleep. Only the sensitivity, care and love of parents will help to save him from this unpleasant illness.

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