Daily rational nutrition. Is it possible?

Rational nutrition, as a concept, is knownpractically to all people, but only a relatively small number of them adhere to it constantly throughout their life. Unfortunately, most of us, either because of financial problems, or from ignorance and laziness, do not adhere to fairly simple rules of nutrition. That's why our contemporaries so often suffer from gastric diseases and obesity.

Rational nutrition makes several important for the life of the body requirements for the body's diet. These include:

1. Correspondence of the nutritional value of the diet to energy costs and the needs of each particular organism. Physiological norms for feeding an adult should fully cover energy costs, and for children they must ensure full growth and development.

2. Balanced diet, providing the right balance of biologically active foods - fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. It depends on the person's sex, place of residence and the type of work they do.

3. Rational nutrition provides for an optimal balance of plant and animal fats and proteins.

A full meal, the menu of which consists ofa variety of products, can meet the daily needs of the body in all the substances it needs. Thus, the daily calorie content of food should, on average, be 15% protein, 30% fat, and 55% carbohydrate. In children this ratio is 15%: 15%: 70%. Of the consumed fats, 60-70% should be animals and 30-40% - vegetable. All of them must be fresh. It is best to cook on your own, because only so you can be sure of the normal quality of the contents of your plate.

Rational nutrition is most clearly depictedon the very popular food pyramid recently. The daily diet should consist of fats, vegetable oils, sweets, 2-3 servings of protein products (poultry, meat, fish), 2-3 servings of dairy products (yogurt, kefir, milk, sour cream), 3-4 servings of vegetables, 4 servings of fruits and berries, 6-10 servings of bakery, cereals or pasta. All foods need to be broken into 4-5 meals. The principles of product compatibility should be taken into account. So the optimal side dish for meat or fish will be cereals, vegetables or pasta. It is best to consume food at the same time, because this way the body adapts better to the production of food enzymes that promote the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The correct diet is able to normalizefunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract, favors to increase efficiency and immunity. An important factor in building a full-fledged diet is that eating should bring a sense of satisfaction.

Recently, nutritionoppose another system - separate food, an approximate menu which can be found on the sites devoted to the diets of Montignac, Shelton, Malakhov. These diets still cause heated controversy among nutritionists, doctors and fans of this regime. The essence of a separate power supply system is simple: you need to use only compatible products. There are entire compatibility tables, and you need to choose them.

The main argument of supporters of such nutritionis that for the complete cleavage of nutrients different enzymes are required, and this is what disturbs the digestive process. The basic principle is to eat carbohydrates with carbohydrates, and proteins with proteins. Vegetables and greens are combined with both groups of foods, like fats, although there are adherents of such nutrition, in which animals and plant products do not mix at all.

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